Find the Right Pet 4 U!
Our specialty is matching our customers to the right pet for them. Here is some guidance on choosing a pet. Let's find the right pet for you.
The Pet Finder
Many people say that a dog is the most rewarding pet there is. And it is true: a dog will love you like no other pet can. Dogs are Man's (and Women's) Best Friend. Someone should be home with the dog 4-6 hours each day (not including sleeping), and dogs can't be left alone longer than 6 hours. You also need to be prepared to walk your dog three times a day.
In many ways, cats are an easier pet than a dog. Kittens are very cute but will certainly test your patience. An adult cat can be an excellent companion. There is a reason why cat videos are so popular...cats are always doing something entertaining. They understand the litter box instinctively and a healthy cat will rarely have accidents. Many cats, but not all, are very loving. With a cat, you need to be prepared to clean the litter box EVERY DAY.
If you can't make the commitment to a cat or dog, you could consider a rodent for a pet. Guinea pigs and gerbils can be fun to watch and you may even be able to tame them and hold them. Both Guinea pigs and gerbils are highly social animals and they need to have a companion. You need to feed them everyday, and clean their cage every few days. Rats also make very fun pets, and they are smarter and more affectionate than most rodents.
We also sell lizards and fish. Setting up a tank can be a rather expensive proposition. Lizards and fish generally won't be affectionate, but they may come towards you when they know you have food. We can help you find the right set up for your budget and willingness to care for a pet.
Not sure if you can adopt?
You can still make a world of difference by fostering. A foster home provides shelter, food, and lots of love to animals in need without the lifetime commitment that adopting a pet takes.